The Spy Killer (1969)

The Spy Killer (1969)

Release Date : Nov. 11, 1969 | Rating Not Rated
Details : Spy Killer stars Robert Horton as a secret agent turned private eye. Framed for murder Horton is released but only after promising that he'll track down a book containing a list of government agents who are operating covertly in Red China. The reluctant spy discovers that he can't completely trust anyone in this endeavor--not even his former chief
Cast and Crew :

Robert Horton as John Smith

Sebastian Cabot as Max

Jill St. John as Mary Harper

Eleanor Summerfield as Mrs. Roberts | Lee Montague as Igor | Douglas Sheldon as Alworthy | Robert Russell as Police Sergeant | Barbara Shelley as Danielle | Harvey Hall | Donald Morley as Dunning | Kenneth J. Warren as Diaman | Philip Madoc as Gar | Michael Segal | Timothy Bateson | Douglas Blackwell | Sonny Caldinez | John Slavid | Producer  : Jimmy Sangster | Writer  : Jimmy Sangster | Director  : Roy Ward Baker | Producer  : Harold D. Cohen |